IGS PGM Frog Feast source code
I've decided to release the source code to Frog Feast for the IGS PGM. I've benefited from the
source code released by many people in the arcade development community, and would like to give back
to the community.
To compile the code, you will need to download the stripped down NeoDev
compiler. This must be extracted to "C:\" or the makefiles will need
to be modified.
Included in the NeoDev package are Bin2elf and Gcc2Ms.
Bin2elf converts any file to an elf object file. This is used for the graphics and maps.
Gcc2Ms (by Loser) allows the error messages to be
properly displayed in Visual Studio.
If you are not using Visual Studio 6, you will also need to download
You will also need to download a copy of
SNASM68K. This needs to be
placed somewhere in your path.
If the build fails, ensure there is a Debug Folder in the PGMSrc directory and ensure there is a
ffight folder in the \Mame\Roms directory.
To convert the graphics, you will need the PGM tools. This
converts files from PCX and Mappy to formats used
on the IGS PGM.
These need to be placed somewhere in your path. The "NeoDev\bin\" directory would be a good
All of the sound stuff was done with
Cool Edit Pro, but any audio editor should work.
The audio files are converted to a signed 8 bit 8 or 11 Khz PCM format. Only the title music uses 8 Khz, due to it's size.
The 'Sound\SndTable.asm' file needs to be updated if any sounds are changed.
All values are byte swapped.
dc.w Bank ($4400 is the default)
dc.w Sample rate ($112B is 11025)
dc.w (Start location & 0x0F) << 12
dc.w (Start location & 0xF0) >> 4
dc.w (End location & 0x0F) << 12
dc.w (End location & 0xF0) >> 4
To build the game you will need to:
- Run "sndmake.bat". This has some problems with the NeoDev stuff, so it needs to be run before the NeoDev path is added in, but it needs SNASM68K.exe in the path.
- Add the "NeoDev\bin" directory to your path. This can be down with the setmvs.bat in the
NeoDev directory.
- Change to the source directory and run "gfxmake.bat". You will need the above mentioned tools
in your path.
- Run "gfx.bat". This requires that Bin2Elf.exe be you path.
- Run "snd.bat". This requires that Bin2Elf.exe be you path.
- Compile the source code using either Visual Studio or NMAKE. You need to do a rebuild all if
changes are made to "GamePlay.c" or "GamePlay.h" or any related header files. The debug build is
the only valid build, as the release build wasn't updated.
To build with NMAKE, type "nmake FrogDebug.mak". To rebuild all, delete the files in the "Debug"
- To test the code, run it under
To create replacement screens under Mappy:
- Create a new map:
Each tile is 32 pixels wide and 32 pixels high
The map is 14 tiles wide and 7 tiles high.
Colours is Paletted (8bit).
- Under Map Tools->Useful Functions select "Create map from big picture".
Select a 448x224 image with a color depth of 32 colors. Mappy may require that the image contain
256 colors, but only the first 32 can be used.
- Save As "PGMSrc\Graphics\Screenname.map".
The filename should be "Screen1.map", "Title.map", etc.
- Export tiles by selecting "File->Export..."
Check Graphics Blocks as picture (?.BMP).
Enter 16 Blocks a row (optional)
Check Skip block 0.
Click "OK".
- To add the new picture into the game:
Run "gfxmake.bat"
Run "gfx.bat"
Do a rebuild all on the source code.
Download the source code.
The source code for IGS PGM Frog Feast is copyright 2006 by Charles Doty.
You may use any/all of the enclosed code in any freeware/commercial
application. You can also create and distribute a modified version of Frog Feast.
I would appreciate a credit in your product, but it is not required.
Copyright 2005-10 RasterSoft